17 April, 2018


“Myths and Truths about Learning”

With a regularity that you can almost set your clock to, the world of L&D gets introduced to new technologies, new approaches, new ways of optimizing learning. “The next big thing” always seems to be just around the corner, the next revolution always happening. In our enthusiasm to improve our work and better serve our learners, it can sometimes feel that we are always chasing the newest shiny object. So the challenge becomes: How do we separate trends and market shifts from hype? How do we separate fact from fiction, and myths from truths? How do we balance pragmatism in doing our daily work and innovation?

This year, on the 20th anniversary of the Dommel Valley Group, it seemed fitting to look at both the past and the future. What predictions have we made and followed over the last years? What came true and what did not yet materialize? What new insights have we gained, and what does it mean for the road ahead?

 DVG poster small image




 8:15  Registration and networking
 8:45 Welcome and introduction
 9:00 KEYNOTE: "Easy myths and uncomfortable truths about learning and training" – Pedro De Bruyckere
 10:00 Break and networking
 10:45 PANEL DISCUSSION: “Trends in L&D – past and future” – Joseph Kessels, Jane Hart, Bob Mosher
 12:15 Break and networking
 13:30 WORKSHOPS: parallel sessions – Round 1
 14:45 WORKSHOPS: parallel sessions – Round 2
 15:45 Break and networking
 16:15 Henk Annema award presentation & closing remarks
 16:45       Drinks and networking