Plenary morning
Topic Bio Time
Registration & coffee 08:00 - 09:00
Kick off TU/e 09:00 - 09:15
Introduction of the day

Anastasia Semerok

Anastasia has extensive experience as a trainer, instructional designer, and event manager (Philips, Accenture, Open Circles, Aimotion). She is currently a business owner and trainer at One Frequency, where she helps experts and entrepreneurs to leverage their knowledge through training programs.

09:15 - 09:30
Key note: The new engineer: from a trained specialist to a self-directed learner by Maaike Endedijk Maaike Endedijk is Assisant Professor at the University of Twente. She studies various types of workplace learning at the Department of Educational Science. Maaike is particularly interested in the setting of self-directed learning and how this can be facilitated in high-tech organisations. She uses modern techniques to visualize employees' learning activities in her research. In addition, she is Assistant Professor at the ATLAS program of the University College Twente . She co-designed this interdisciplinary Bachelor program in which social and technical disciplines come together and she now coaches talented students in their development to become 'the new engineer'. 09:30 - 10:30
Coffee 10:30 - 11:00
Key note: Modern workspace and learning methods; are employees exposed to the hazards of digital amnesia? by Manfred Spitzer

Manfred Spitzer studied medical science (MD in 1983), psychology and philosophy (Diploma in 1984)

From 1990 to 1997, Manfred Spitzer was Lecturer in psychiatry, Chief of clinical services and Director of the Section for Experimental Psychopathology at the Psychiatric Hospital 
of the University of Heidelberg. Furthermore, he was Visiting Scholar at Michael Posner’s laboratory at the Institute of Cognitive and Decision Sciences at the University of Oregon (1992) and Visiting Professor at the Department of Psychology, Harvard University, teaching undergraduate and graduate students. (1989-1990; 1994)

Since 1997, Manfred Spitzer has been Medical Director, Professor and Chairman of the newly established Psychiatric Hospital at the University of Ulm. His research activities focus on higher, cognitive functions at the interface between cognitive neuroscience, psychology, and psychopathology, using multimodal neuroimaging techniques such as event related potentials, functional magnetic resonance imaging, transcranial magnetic stimulation, and experimental neuropsychological methods.

In 2004, he founded the Transfer Center for Neurosciences and Learning where he has held the position of Chairman.

As an internationally renowned scientist in brain research, Professor Spitzer is the author of several popular science books and more than 100 scientific papers in international journals. His current activities include a weekly TV appearance in the educational channel of Bavaria.

11:00 - 12:15
Lunch 12:15 - 13:00
Parallel sessions Round 1
Topic Bio Time

Self directed learning in the Dommel Valley

Students from the University of Twente have explored multiple High Tech companies in the Dommel Valley region (ASML, Oce, Philips Lighting, Philips Healthtech & Vanderlande) to get an impression of the learning cultures within these companies. They will share their findings on the status quo of L&D and on opportunities for future improvement. They do this from an unrestricted and fresh out-of-the-box perspective.

Master students Educational Science and Technology 13:00 - 13:45

Local training: how to organize?

Field Service Engineers need to be trained all over the world to enable safe, efficient and satisfactory maintenance on Philips Healthcare and Océ Printing systems. Training cannot always be performed by the original training developer for various reasons. Therefore more trainers (worldwide) need to reach such a knowledge and skill level that they can perform the same training locally. Visit this interactive session to learn, share and discuss about different methods to organize, educate and guide local trainers to guarantee good quality local training.

Sonja Jansen MSc studied Educational Science & Technology at the University of Twente. After 12 years of Human Resource Development consultancy she joined Philips Healthcare in 2011. She is Instructional Designer within the Information Supply Chain and responsible for designing technical courses for Field Service Engineers of imaging systems. Next to that, she is responsible for applying and improving the internal Course Development Process.

Eric Janssen is employed at Océ (a Canon company) since 1984. He is a training developer / trainer for service personnel with 17 years of experience. Eric studied High Power Electrotechnics at the HTS of Rotterdam.

Alwin Graat is also employed at Océ (a Canon Company). The first 10 years as a Service Engineer working on Wide Format Printing Systems (WFPS) continuing his career as a Learning Professional for the last 8 years, developing and conducting service training on WFP Systems. Alwin has a Bachelor of ICT degree which he received from Fontys Eindhoven.

13:00 - 13:45

Diversity in teams: do’s and dont’s for creating a team learning climate

During this workshop we will discuss  how diversity in teams affects team learning and productivity. Diversity is a double-edged sword: On the one hand, diversity in expertise, education and skills greatly benefit innovation and performance in teams. Diverging perspectives on complex problems result in highly creative solutions and products.  On the other hand, diversity in  expertise, gender, ethnicity,  and national culture  often form obstacles to effective communication among colleagues. In international, knowledge-intensive companies, it is important to create a learning climate in which diversity's innovative potential can flourish.  Participants in this workshop will actively experience how diversity in teams affects their thinking, feeling and learning at work.

Dr. Ruth van Veelen is an Assistant Professor at the University of Twente at the Department of Educational Sciences. Her research focusses on collective forms of learning at the workplace, such as knowledge sharing. In particular Ruth is interested in how professional identity and (cultural) diversity contribute to learning in high-tech organisations.  

Maaike Endedijk

13:00 - 13:45

Massive Open Online Course: looking back and forward

This session will look back to the establishment, launch and execution of the first Massive Open Online Course (= MOOC) by Eindhoven University of Technology. It will provide a statistical analysis of the participants, their participation and specific feedback that they provided. Finally, the session will look forward, to the potential future of MOOCs, at Eindhoven University and beyond.

Bert Blocken is full professor and chair Building Physics and Urban Physics at the Unit Building Physics and Services (BPS) of the Department of the Built Environment at Eindhoven University of Technology in the Netherlands. He is also part-time full professor at the Department of Civil Engineering of Leuven University in Belgium. His main area of expertise is Urban Physics, as a branch of engineering at the intersection between Wind Engineering and Building Physics. 13:00 - 13:45

You think you know your processes? Take a look at the facts with Process Mining during your analysis (live demo)

Did you ever need to develop learning material for a process, using an IT-tool?  Did you have a lack of information for your analysis from your customer?  Did you have to make assumptions on how the workforce would process their daily tasks? This demo will shine light on  the process mining possibilities you can use during your analysis or your evaluation. It might provide you with excellent tips on how to obtain information from system log-files. Maybe a next step to optimize your learning intervention!

Anne Rozinat has more than ten years of experience with process mining and obtained her PhD cum laude in the process mining group of Prof. Wil van der Aalst at the Technical University in Eindhoven, the Netherlands. Currently, she is a co- founder of Fluxicon (, a process mining software company. Anne regularly blogs about process mining at can be reached via email ( ) and Twitter (@arozinat).

Gert-Jan Hüfken is working for Philips since 1997 in different learning functions accross different Philips service and support organizations. The past 5 years he worked as learning consultant and teamlead at Philips IT Competence Group Learning. Currently he is co-founding CRE4TE, a start-up that will specialize in professional development @ the workplace ( ).

13:00 - 13:45

Building your business learning case with the Business Model Canvas & LEAPP®

The Business Model Canvas & LEAPP® is a smart way of presenting the opportunities of your learning challenge.
This is an interactive session is based on cases brought in by participants. The method will be explained. Why should you use it? And how can you start developing the business model canvas together with the Leapp method?

Jan-Pieter Broos is an organizational coach, trainer, business engineer, marketeer and senior manager with 20+ years of experience in organizational development and transformation. He is commercial director of LEAPP Company and owner of Broos Business Education and Consultancy. 13:00 - 13:45

VROOMtraining Virtual Reality for training


Training on the real product is best, we all agree on that. But what if the product or machine is not available? Many of you are facing that problem. You might use PDF’s, classroom trainings, movies, animations or even 3D simulations on 2D monitors, but all those methods only offer knowledge, not an experience.

VROOM offers an experience. Using cutting-edge technology, you can create a virtual reality simulation of a training machine, immersing the trainee into the training – as close to real-life as currently possible.

Virtual reality is a passion for Jaap van den Bosch. Over 8 years of experience has led to a truly unique training tool: VROOM Training. Which is now successfully in use by several companies within the Dommel Valley Group. 13:00 - 13:30

Fontys Virtual Reality Lab

A well-equipped VR lab exists since a number of years at the Fontys ICT department. This session describes the current activities (i.e. the minor VR), and will discuss future plans for a regional VR Expert Center. The possibilities for cooperation with industrial and other partners will also be discussed.

Peter Boots is a teacher for the minor Virtual Reality at Fontys. He is also involved in a project to expand the current VR lab into a regional VR Expert Center. 13:00 - 13:30

Virtual Training


Often a classroom with a training machine is not available. Sometimes because the machine is too expensive, it’s still in development, or because you are traveling….. In these situations training in a virtual environment can be the ultimate solution.
FLENDL demonstrates an application which will enable you to train in a virtual environment on your own laptop, anytime, anywhere, and as often as you want.

During the session we will demonstrate various aspects of virtual training, but more important, we would like you to experience it yourself.

Harald Florie and Wytze de Lange are the founders of FLENDL. They have a long background as consultants specialized in designing and realizing complex facilities for the semiconductor industry (Intel, AMD, TSMC Samsung). As designers they became fascinated by using Virtual Reality as a tool to design and communicate with their clients.  They shifted gradually from designers into developers of new design tools. The next logical step was to use the same virtual environment for training people to perform complex procedures in virtual training environments. 13:00 - 13:30

Hazards of digital amnesia; Q&A

During this round table discussion Prof. Manfred Spitzer will be available for an in depth conversation based on his key note about the hazards of digital amnesia.

Manfred Spitzer 13:00 - 13:30

Dommel Valley; What should our roadmap look like?

Since 1998 Dommel-Valley acts as an informal group of learning professionals in the South of The Netherlands.  Several years we organize quarterly meetings and a yearly learning event.  What is the added value of Dommel Valley for you, what can we do to increase our added value for you?

Michel Koonen is a Technical Training Manager with ASML, overseeing both operations and strategy. He has held similar positions within (a.o.) Philips and Assembléon. Michel has been a central and active member of the Dommel Valley Group ever since it was founded in 1998. 13:00 - 13:30

Development beyond corporate walls, the human capital in the lead at Brainport.

Imagine a trusted platform that allows you to publish your competency profile to potential employers. What is the added value of a platform that fully respects your privacy and information security?

Luk Vervenne is CEO and founder of Synergetics NV & BV.  His expertise lies in Regional and Sectorial Life Management Ecosystems for personal data intensive processes in domains such as Health and Human Capital. This entails innovation & strategy development on personal data management, end2end trust assurance, semantics, content management & decision support and finally the cloud-native, trust assured ecosystem Infra+Infostructure. 13:00 - 13:30

Self-directed learning fails?

A band new product was released. Because of its new technology and time to market concept, the learners had to deal with new circumstances in training as well. Change from traditional to self-directed learning was needed. Although we put a lot of effort in the behavior change of trainees in the learning process, we see it fails.

You are invited to think with us how to make the change to self directed learning happen.


Stefan Schmitz and Theo Janissen are both learning consultants of the International Training Center of Oce Technologies. They are highly experienced in the development of training programs for service technicians, where Stefan focuses on the product skills and Theo on the behavioral skills. 13:00 - 13:30
Parallel sessions Round 2
Topic Bio Time

The ultimate L&D Paradox

In today's world of ever shorter information life cycles, organizations need to invest in self-directed learning and workplace learning in order to keep up. Learners need autonomy to choose their own learning path, which means that Learning and Development departments have to let go of the control mechanisms that inhibit flexibility. At the same time, facilitation and support are crucial to self-directed learning in order to create maximum speed and effect. This means that L&D departments need to focus on enabling mechanisms. As a L&D professional you have to be less involved, but more involved. Can you be both?

Chris Wanrooij is “Learning and Knowledge Management Architect” within ASML. Prior to that he was an Instructional Designer at Philips Healthcare and a teacher of learning theory at a Chinese University. Chris holds degrees in both Educational Science and Technology, as well as Cognitive Psychology, both from the University of Twente. His expertise lies in the areas of learning psychology, learning needs analysis, learning intervention design, didactics and the L&D processes needed to secure the aforementioned within professional organisations. Chris has a passion for (in his eyes “highly needed and long overdue”) reform within the L&D domain. Chris has been a part of the Dommel Valley organisation since 2011.

Herman van Dijk is working in the learning department for Healthcare Informatics Solutions and Services within Philips Healthcare. Before that he held positions as instructor and training manager within Philips Healthcare. Being educated primarily as software engineer and later as learning professional, his expertise and passion lie in the combination of learning and technology. Bringing those together without losing sight of the psychology of learning is what makes him tick. Herman has been a part of the Dommel Valley organisation since 2014.

13:55 - 14:40

Social learning in Accelerated Change

The world, and the way how work is conducted, is rapidly changing that we are not aware there are many different ways to conceptualize learning and that people differ in their approaches to learning. How do you implement social learning within an international organization? How do you define the value of social learning? How to deal with resistance among the employees and change resistance into commitment? The main scope behind the research is the role of internal communication to enlarge the awareness and how to increase involvement towards social learning.

Rihab Karim is graduating at Rotterdam University on a Bachelor in Communication. For her Bachelor thesis she performed research about social learning for Software Customer Services, Philips Healthcare. For this assignment she did research in the field of internal communication for encouraging the employees of Software Customer Services to actively participate on the social learning platform. Research to get to the motivation and barriers of the employees done through different kind of analysis where possible resistance, internal communication, user needs and the wishes and needs of the business are central elements in the analysis. In this session, Rihab will share her findings and recommendations. 13:55 - 14:40

Practical instructional design experiences with  the 4C-ID model

We have developed several technical trainings using the four-component instructional design model (4C-ID). In this workshop we will review the basics and the design steps of the model. We will discuss our experiences how each step has been performed in practice to create an effective blended training design. Our goal is that you will learn how your training designs can benefit from applying the most important elements of the 4C-ID model.

Gert Jan Rozing is learning consultant at International Training Center of Océ Technologies. He has 7 years experience in learning and development as trainer and learning designer. He is highly interested in ways to improve the effectiveness of learning programs by using new innovative design methodologies. He is performing the 4C-ID course at the Open University.

John Jeuken is senior learning architect at ASML with 20 year experience in L&D. In his role as learning architect he researches innovations that make learning programs more effective. His focus is finding the right blend between technology, learning psychology and learner motivation. In this blend, 4C-ID provides a great framework for creating impactful training interventions that develop critical job related skills while increasing motivation and achieving measurable business results

13:55 - 14:40

Local training: how to organize?

2nd round

 Sonja Jansen, Eric Janssen, Alwin Graat 13:55 - 14:40

Diversity in teams: do’s and dont’s for creating a team learning climate

2nd round

Dr. Ruth van Veelen

Maaike Endedijk

13:55 - 14:40
Building your business learning case with the Business Model Canvas & LEAPP®
2nd round
Jan-Pieter Broos 13:55 - 14:40

VROOMtraining Virtual Reality for training

2nd round

Jaap van den Bosch 13:55 - 14:40
Fontys Virtual Reality Lab
2nd round
Peter Boots 13:55 - 14:25
Virtual Training
2nd round

Harald Florie

Wytze de Lange

13:55 - 14:25

How do you activate the knowledge in your organization?

For solving problems, knowledge sharing is crucial. How can you enable the people in your organization and stimulate them be an entrepeneur with their knowledge?!

Ad Reijbroek focuses on activating knowledge on the work floor. In co-production with team leader and middle management, he works pragmatically on improving knowledge activation and learning from it. By appreciating the acquired knowledge, they succeed in securing results. 13:55 - 14:25

The Performance Support Spectrum, where does your organization fit?

In this round table session we will discuss some challenging statements regarding Performance Support. Performance Support is everywhere, but what’s the level of Performance Support in your organization? How do you support Performance Support? What kind of tools are you using? Is it only meant for IT related solutions? Etc. We will use the Performance Support Maturity model from Conrad Gottfredson as a reference.

Henk Arts is a Learning Professional for more than 25 years. The last 10 years he focused on Performance Support and developed a broad experience with Performance Support in IT as well as Non-IT environments. He strongly relies on the methodology from Bob Mosher and Conrad Gottfredson. Henk is nowadays working for TTS, an international provider of Learning and Performance Support Solutions and Talent Management Consultancy.

13:55 - 14:25

Hazards of digital amnesia; Q&A

2nd round

Manfred Spitzer 13:55 - 14:25
Dommel Valley; What should our roadmap look like?
2nd round
Michel Koonen 13:55 - 14:25
Parallel sessions Round 3
Topic Bio Time

What is agile in practice?

In interactive sessions with practical examples, we try to explore the agile way of working. Does it work or can it work in your own environment and what are the benefits for your daily work. Some practical experiences in training development for a printer project are shared and discussed via the statement game.

Rom van Strijp ( ) Rom is at Océ since 1984, starting at R&D and currently learning consultant at International Training Center (ITC) at Océ/Canon in Venlo, The Netherlands. The training area covers product training, consultancy training and communication training in the color production printing market. He is both responsible for the contracting, developing and delivery of these (train-the-trainer) trainings.

Sanne Reijniers works for Philips as a Communications Lead, formerly as a learning consultant. She has a background in educational science and technology. Currently she focuses on developing a curriculum for Agile competency development. She is responsible for implementing Agile as a way of working within Philips.

14:50 - 15:35

Training, teaching and knowledge management with online video

Online video can be a powerful tool to get knowledge across multi disciplinary and geographical separated teams. How do you capture, manage, secure and distribute that knowledge in online video. In several case studies we’ll talk about different approaches and best practices and ROI’s in the field of high tech companies.

Robert Jan Brouwer is co-founder and Director of Sales for MediaMission, a master distributor of Mediasite in the Netherlands, which is now part of Sonic Foundry. Robert Jan develops, advises and manages rich video projects in for education, government and enterprise clients and has enabled Mediasite deployments at ten of the Netherlands' 14 universities. Robert has an MA in Comparative Media Sciences from Utrecht University. 14:50 - 15:35

Community of Practice the 20% of learning

Why What and How to implement a CoP to get knowledge at the moment of need.

Hans Ramaker is working as Director Learning innovations and technology at Philips Lighting. Hans has a background in IT and Learning, he has several years learning experience with new learning technologies and methods to increase the speed to knowledge. His special interests are: learning innovations and performance support.

Aushima Thakur, An MBA and a Doctorate,  is working with Philips Lighting as a Senior Manager, Communities of Practice. She has wide experience in Learning and Development and has worked with L&D team in Google in the past. Presently her focus and keen interest is in Social Learning, Communities of Practice and KM in originations.

14:50 - 15:35

The Future of Learning (Content) Management Systems: How can Education Technology & Infrastructure support the changing visions on learning?

Can tools and technology help with the redesign of existing education courseware to improve convenience and flexibility? Will systems help to reduce resources, cost and time to develop education?  Can technology support the increasing demand for outcomes-based, lifecycle learning solutions? And how will systems make learning & business outcomes measurable and transparent?

In this round table I will share a high level overview of the future Philips Healthcare Education Landscape, and discuss how Technology & Infrastructure can support the changing visions on learning.

Josie van Schilt studied Learning & Development (Opleidingskunde) at HAN University of Applied Sciences, and Educational Science at Radboud University. With over 10 years’ experience as a learning specialist, Josie’s expertise lies in the field of designing and implementing attractive and effective blended L&D solutions. She currently works as an Instructional Designer at Philips Healthcare. Special interests areas: Application of learning technology, Learning psychology, Changing the culture of learning in organizations.
14:50 - 15:35
The ultimate L&D Paradox
2nd round

Chris Wanrooij

Herman van Dijk

14:50 - 15:35
Social learning in Accelerated Change
2nd round
Rihab Karim 14:50 - 15:35

VROOMtraining Virtual Reality for training

3rd round

Jaap van den Bosch 14:50 - 15:20
Fontys Virtual Reality Lab
3rd round
Peter Boots 14:50 - 15:20
Virtual Training
3rd round

Harald Florie

Wytze de Lange
14:50 - 15:20

Open source in a corporate context


There is an increasing acceptance in the implementation of open source application in the corporate domain. There is the emerging model of enterprise versions of open source applications which is already for Linux (RHEL) and MySQL, among others.

In the learning domain, Moodle is an example of  a widely used open source application for online course administration and a virtual learning environment. Moodle has been in use within ASML for more than 7 years.

In this session, we would like to share lessons learned and useful practices in how to roll out an open source learning environment such as Moodle.

Dulce Pumareja is part of the Knowledge Management and Learning Methods team of the Customer Support Training department within ASML. She is responsible for the administration of the department's learning infrastructure. She has a very good understanding of Linux administration and MySQL databases. 14:50 - 15:20
The Performance Support Spectrum, where does your organization fit?
2nd round
Henk Arts 14:50 - 15:20
How do you activate the knowledge in your organization?
2nd round
Ad Reijbroek 14:50 - 15:20
Plenary afternoon
Topic Bio Time
Kick off; Voting for the Henk Annema award   15:45 - 16:00
Summary & findings of the day by Joseph Kessels Joseph Kessels is professor at the University of Twente in Human Resource Development and professor of Educational Leadership at the Welten Institute of the Open University Netherlands. From 1995- 2000 he held a similar chair at the University of Leiden. Until 2008 he served as Dean of TSM Business School. In 1977, together with Cora Smit, he founded Kessels & Smit, The Learning Company. Over 30 years the Learning Company became an international consultancy firm specializing in HRD topics in the domain of training, learning and development of people in their work. Joseph Kessels was linked with this professional network until 2010. 16:00 - 16:45
Henk Annema Award & Closing   16:45 - 17:00
Drinks   17:00 - 18:00