DVG Event 2011 Roundtable Discussions*

Roundtables are interactive discussions on provocative topics moderated by a DVG host. The goal is to share experiences and learn from each other. The format is informal and participants are encouraged to share their views and position about the topic.

There are two rounds of roundtable discussions on the the following topics.

R1. "Virtual Classrooms. Do you dare to challenge your current assumptions?"

Facilitators: Erik Vlaanderen (Océ) / Hilde van der Wielen (Philips) / Gert-Jan Rozing (Océ) / Karel Driesse (Océ)

Short bio.

Erik Vlaanderen

Eric is working as International Trainer/Developer at Oce Technologies.

He started experimenting with Virtual Classes since 2005. In 2009, he developed a "Virtual Classroom basics" training program, targeted towards existing trainers who want to extend their training skills in a Virtual Classroom environment. This program became the basis to roll-out and professionalize Virtual Classes within Oce's Training Center. This training program has been rolled out also towards external companies.

Starting experimental in 2005, nowadays Virtual Classes in Oce Technologies has earned its place in several Oce's blended learning programs. Next steps will be the integration of Social Media and Virtual Classroom workshops in existing training programs, with an ongoing drive to deliver instant, meaningful job performance improvement interventions.

Hilde van der Wielen

Hilde works for Competence Group Learning in Philips IT Applications. Her projects are aimed at developing and delivering effective learning in several formats.  Interest in virtual classrooms is growing within Philips as an alternative and cost-effective learning delivery platform.

Gert Jan Rozing

Gert Jan is working as senior trrainer/developer at the International Training Center of Oce Technologies in Venlo (NL). He is responsible for the development, roll-out and execution of all learning programs for service technicians of wide-format printing systems, together with a team of 5 trainer/developers. In the design of new learning programs Gert Jan adopts new learning methods when appropriate for the specific training objective. Several years ago he developed one of the first virtual classroom programs at ITC which was successfully rolled out. Since then virtual classroom is a major ingredient in his new training designs.

Karel Driesse

Karel, as senior trainer developer, is the learning consultant for the Digital Printing Systems service organization at Océ . Together with service product managers the organizational problem (be it new product or performance problems) is determined/investigated and the wanted situation is described. With this information it can be determined if the problem can be solved by training people, or if other organizational changes are needed. If training is (part of) the solution, together with his team of 14 training developers and trainers the training is developed, rolled out and worldwide executed. Within his group he started to use virtual classroom as part of the learning blend. Since then almost all designed training programs contain one or more virtual classroom sessions and his team gained a lot of experience.

Learning objective.

Discuss virtual classrooms as a learning method: the pro’s and con’s.


You probably have already some basic assumptions on virtual classrooms and  how and when it can and cannot be an effective learning method.

Do you dare to step away from your current thoughts and opinion on virtual classrooms and take a look from another perspective?

Do you dare to challenge yourself in looking creatively at the (im-) possibilities of virtual classrooms as a learning method?

You are invited to actively participate in discussions on different themes related to virtual classrooms.

Who will benefit most........

People who have basic knowledge of what a virtual classroom is and who are probably a bit skeptical on the suitability of virtual classrooms.

R2. New role of learning in the 21st century (former title as in registration: Consequences of accelerated learning development changes)

Facilitators: Stefaan van Hooydonk (Philips Lighting University) * Chris Wanrooij (Philips Healthcare)

Short bio

Stefaan van Hooydonk

Stefaan van Hooydonk is the head of the Philips Lighting University. The Philips Lighting University was created September 2010 to drive Philips Lighting towards a structured, transparent, innovative and value generating service learning organization for internal employees as well as its entire ecosystem of partners and end-users. Stefaan has been actively involved in the set up and running of innovative corporate universities for Nokia, Agfa healthcare and Philips. Prior to his move to corporate universities, he set up the executive education arm of CEIBS in Shanghai. After initial degrees in Asian knowledge and Economics, Stefaan started his career in investment consulting. After working and living in France, HongKong, China and Finland, he lives now in Belgium.

Short bio

Chris Wanrooij

Chris Wanrooij is an Instructional  Designer for the Philips Healthcare Academy. His primary responsibilities are developing standards and guidelines for training development, as well as being part of multidisciplinary design teams for (mainly) technical training. His experience stretches from teaching learning theory and English to undergraduate students at a Chinese university, to promoting politics among the youth of the local municipality of Enschede, to learning tricks of the management trade as a junior manager at a healthcare organization, to his current employment with Philips. Chris spent his college years at the University of Twente and  has degrees in cognitive psychology and educational science & technology.


  • Quality or speed (paradox or contrast)?
  • How does this influence the learning functions?
  • What are the consequences for learning methods, tools etc.?
  • What is the risk of ignoring speed?
  • What are the consequences of rapid development?

R3. Performance Support

Facilitator: Henk Arts (Learning Guide)

Our keynote speaker Bob Mosher is Chief Learning and Strategy Evangelist at LearningGuide Solutions. Henk Arts is manager / consultant at LearnigGuide solutions and will continue the Performance Support discussion at this round table session. Henk has years of experience in implementing Performance Support solutions so this round table session provides a perfect opportunitiy to further ask questions about Bob's keynote and/or discuss how Performance Support could work for you and your organisation.

R4. The Social Learning Table

Facilitator: Jane Hart

Short bio

Jane Hart is the Founder of the Centre for Learning & Performance Technologies (C4LPT), one of the world’s most visited learning sites on the Web. She is an independent consultant, writer and public speaker.

Learning objective

To understand how Smart Workers are using social media to learn continuously and improve their own and their team’s performance


Jane's round table session provides a perfect opportunitiy to further ask questions about her keynote and/or discuss how you could work smarter using social media.

Who will benefit most

Learning professionals who want to understand how best to support the continuous learning needs of knowledge workers in the workflow

R5. The role of corporate learning games

Serious Games in a Corporate Context

Facilitator: Wim Veen & Hans Ramaker

Short bio.

Wim Veen (1946) is a full professor at Delft University of Technology, Faculty of Technology, Policy Analysis, and Management. His chair is on the development of learning systems. His research focuses on new concepts and strategies for ICT enhanced learning in both private companies and regular educational institutions.

Veen thinks that traditional learning arrangements in the corporate sector no longer hold in a society where knowledge is a key asset of networked organizations in a global context of rapidly evolving technologies. Wim Veen is particularly interested in the cyber culture of the generation growing up with technology. He uses the concept of Homo Zappiens, a generation of learners that has never known its world without the Internet. This generation appears to develop a variety of meta-cognitive skills that are mostly disregarded both by teachers and managers. It is now time to learn from this net generation how to take advantage of ICT enabled learning in a networked society.

Wim Veen is teaching corporate learning. In addition, he is a consultant for educational institutions as well as for private companies and governmental authorities. His latest book is: Homo Zappiens, Growing Up in a Digital Age.

Short bio.

Hans Ramaker


Responsible to develop and implement new innovative learning methods to the global Lighting organization. To share knowledge globally and change learning from knowledge to skills, from push to pull and from free to fee.

Past 10 years working for the Healthcare organization where responsible for a global team delivering internal and external trainings. Introducing local-, virtual- and blended virtual trainings.


Research shows that serious games have good learning effects in various economic sectors such as banking and health care. However, costs for developing learning games are rather high, What will be their impact in the field of professional development and learning within companies? And how can we find ways to produce serious games at affordable costs? These are issues to be discussed in this round table, and participants are invited to come up with ideas, concepts, and business models.