

Presentation and Links

Jane Hart

Social media in workplace learning

Video: Social Media Revolution 2011

Bob Mosher

Performance Support

Keynote videos


Opening Dommel Valley event by Jo van Ham



Keynote Jane Hart, Social Learning in the Business World



Keynote Bob Mosher, Performance Support



Panel discussion Jane Hart & Bob Mosher


Parallel Sessions

P1. Performance support - What does it mean in my own work situation?

Bob Mosher / Henk Aarts

P2. Learning game experience

Sanne Reijniers & Mark Geurds (Philips IT-A, CG - Learning)

P3. Flipping the classroom; A 'Khan Academy' approach to blended learning for ASML Field Service Engineers

John Jeuken (ASML)

P4. Build your own image of "A coaching Way of Training"

Theo Janissen & Ton Dijkstra (Oce)

P5. Virtual learning environment: The NMBS/SNCB Line Study Application

Geert Thys (NMBS/SNCB) & Ordina

P6. The archiving game: A board game to create process awareness

Marinus Peters (INSynQ)

Roundtable Discussions

R1. Virtual Classrooms: Do you dare to challenge your current assumptions

Erik Vlaanderen (Océ), Hilde van der Wielen (Philips), Gert-Jan Rozing (Océ) & Karel Driesse (Océ)