
Welcome to the Dommel Valley Group Event 2013

Of particular interest might be the "Presentation on Video" section where you can find videos of the recorded key notes.


The Dommel Valley Group (DVG) is a cooperation among the training and learning departments of the different high tech companies in the Dommel Valley area.

Event 2013 Theme

Meaningful & Continuous Learning In Times of Rapid Change

Date Friday, 25 October 2013

Technisch Universiteit Eindhoven (TU/e)
Den Dolech 2, 5612 AZ Eindhoven

At 8 mins. walk from train & bus station
Route and map

This year's event, themed 'Meaningful Learning in times of change', will offer a dynamic interactive program.

The first keynote is by Robert Jan Simons.

The second keynote is given by Nils Roemen.

In addition to excellent keynote speakers, the program will feature 6 parallel workshops, and 9 roundtable discussions. These sessions will focus on trends in learning, as well as the added value of meaningful learning innovation.

These sessions will also give you the opportunity to interact and network with your peers and colleagues.