Symposium 2010 Organization PDF Print Email
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Wednesday, 29 September 2010 07:46

The training departments that collaborate in the Dommel Valley group share best practices in getting new knowledge and skills efficiently deployed to their employees. In addition to sharing of best practices, the Dommel Valley group organizes a yearly symposium to explore learning trends and practices for their corporate learning professionals.

Last year Océ-International Training Center and Philips Healthcare Academy decided to join forces on the organization of a symposium about Knowledge Productivity. Its success in 2009 leveraged the participation of ASML, Philips IT-Applications, FEI Company and TU/e in the 2010 symposium on Informal Learning.

Members of the organizing comittee are:

  • Henk Annema, Gert Jan Rozing - Oce Technologies
  • Gert-Jan Hufken, Didi Bordat, Hans Ramaker - Philips
  • John Jeuken, Rolf Holtjer, Dulce Pumareja - ASML
  • Ralph Hanzen - FEI
  • Harry van der Wouw - TUE
Last Updated on Tuesday, 02 November 2010 08:46
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