DVG Event 2013 Parallel Sessions PDF Print Email
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Wednesday, 25 September 2013 00:00

DVG Event 2013 Parallel Classroom Sessions

Parallel sessions are given in a workshop format on 12 topics. Each session lasts for 50 minutes except for P2 and P5 which are 90 minute workshops.


P1. Agile Learning & Performance Support

Hosts: John Jeuken (ASML) & Willy de Jong (Océ)

The world, and the way how work is conducted, is rapidly changing. This is also visible in our own product development (Océ, ASML). Increased competition, pressure on time to market asks for a much more flexible approach.

How does this all affect training and learning? How can we, as training / learning professionals,  add value in this 'time of rapid change'?

In this interactive session Willy and John will discuss the consequences for the 'classic' blended learning approach and describe some 'lessons learned', based on concrete projects. A further central theme will be 'agile learning'.

Agile learning is being able to deliver high impact training under increasing pressure regarding speed, efficiency and quality. Research done in the 1980’s, shows that using certain instructional strategies yields performance improvements, that can be as great as two standard deviations (2sigma)  above conventional methods. These strategies however were prohibitively expensive in the 1980’s. Current levels of technology bring these strategies into reach. During this session John will discuss the challenges of 2sigma learning and how ASML addresses these challenges.

Short bio

John Jeuken has many years of experience at ASML, in Customer Support Training and Knowledge Management. Main theme throughout these years is learning innovation and knowledge management. The past three years John has been tasked with implementing various innovations like weblectures, ASML troubleshooting and case based learning. To do this he helped train and coach colleagues to become champions for change to support this transition. John is currently working on implementing 2sigma learning. During his session John will discuss the challenges of 2sigma learning and how ASML addresses these challenges.

Willy de Jong After working several years for Océ at R&D as Application Researcher and in the WideFormat Business Unit as a Strategic Product Planner, Willy joined the Océ ITC department about 15 years ago. Here he has been active in several projects and activities, a.o.: e-learning development, implementation of a Learning Management system and Learning innovation center.

P2.  Meaningful Learning in times of Internationalization (90 minutes)

Host: Marloes van Kasteren (Océ) / Lucienne van Gestel (Vanderlande Industries)

Changes are frequent these days and they follow each other faster and faster. One of the greatest changes nowadays is the internationalization of organizations. More and more you work with employees, colleagues or customers from outside the Netherlands. This means you have to deal with cultural differences.

Cultural differences are as old as the world is. When cultures meet it can be very instructive. It can, however, also be the base of misunderstanding and even result in conflicts.

In our session we answer the question how to deal with cultural differences within your organization.  We will do this from the background of our own experiences and by using examples which are most practical.

We start with a short theoretical explanation on the classification of cultures according to professor Hofstede.  After that we focus on daily practice; What do the cultural differences mean for communication in the workplace? In what ways can you train your employees to optimize this communication?

Then we pay extensive attention to educating employees with a different cultural background. How do you design a training for employees or customers in for example China? What should you keep in mind if you are going to train in a different culture?

We hope to meet you in our session in order to discover the world together!

Short bio

Marloes van Kasteren is working as a HRD Advisor at Océ Technologies

Luciënne van Gastel has worked as a teacher for many years. Recently she studied Opleidingskunde (science of education) at the HAN in Nijmegen. She graduated at Vanderlande Industries by writing a “Cultural Fit Guide”, a practical guide how to adapt your training to the different backgrounds of the learners.

P3. Learning is lucrative! But not on its own accord....

Host: Sigried Giesbers (Prorail/Giesbers Coaching &Advies)

Come and blow soap bubbles with us and experience how you can secure the transfer of learning. Our workshop, tools and approach make it possible to bring about and secure change in organizations. People become aware of and seize their influence.

The focus shifts from the influence the training department and its trainers have on the transfer of learning to the influence managers or the organization have on this transfer.

At ProRail we see that within 2 years the topic of conversation shifted from: ‘The training programme must be improved” towards “What can I do as a manager to make learning contribute to a better performance”. The organization takes learning serious; learning becomes a tool to enhance the performance of the organization.

Short bio:

Sigrid Rutter-Giesbers (Bachelor of Education - Opleidingskundige) currently working as Learning Facilitator at the Trafic Control Training Department of ProRail. And owner at Giesbers Coaching & Advies. Her expertise lies in the field of transfer of learning, designing and implementing L&D solutions within organizations.

Special interest areas:

  • Transfer of learning: how to maximize the effect of learning within organizations.
  • Advisory skills: how to build working relationships with colleagues and customers that lead to effective (learning) interventions and transfer of learning.

P4. Brain Learning Principles in the Blend

Host: Petra Peeter (HAN)

In this session we will examine and experience several brain learning principles. We will generate ideas to design effective blended learning with brain learning principles in mind. You’ll leave this session energized, connected and with plenty of stimulating ideas.

Short bio

Petra Peeter (MSc Psychology) currently works as University Lecturer at the Bachelor Learning & Development (Opleidingskunde) of HAN University of Applied Sciences. Her expertise lies in the field of designing and implementing blended L&D solutions within organizations.

Special interest areas:

  • blended learning: how to create attractive and effective blends of learning solutions
  • advisory skills: how to build working relationships with customers that lead to effective (learning) interventions

P5. Innovation Games & Gamestorming (90 minutes)

Host: Erwin Elling

It might sound weird, at first: Playing games to do serious work. But traditional thinking is just plain wrong. Research shows that human beings have been hard-wired to express themselves and interact with each other through play. In serious games we put game elements to use in a business context.

In Innovation Games & Gamestorming we use collaborative play to engage customers, employees and stakeholders in sessions and workshops. Playing games delivers deeper, more actionable insight than is available through stodgy brainstorming sessions, online surveys, focus groups or other tools.

In this 90 minute session Erwin Elling will give an introduction to Innovation Games & Gamestorming. He will discuss backgrounds and theory, however most of the session will be aimed at learning-by-doing:
Let's play some serious games!

Short Bio:

Erwin Elling is online strategist, user experience specialist and an experienced workshop facilitator. His company The Wrong Songs is a consultancy for online strategy and innovation. Most of his projects are done in co-creation with employees and customers of his clients, with workshops based on Innovation Games & Gamestorming.

P6. Friends of Malawi

Host: Tjeu Geelen

In 2010 a good friend of mine Truus Theelen went to Malawi via Stichting Edukans. She witnessed how enthused teachers and children attended primary education with minimal resources. It touched her heart and after returning to the Netherlands she started fundraising and collection of books for the schools.

I got involved during fundraising activities. Since then we focus on local schooling support in the rural areas based on personal contacts, where the government lacks resources. Education is important. It’ s the foundation for future development. Last year we visited the Primary Schools in the Embangweni area.( Mid-west rural Malawi)

I always had a real strong interest in developing countries and learned that Development and Support is most effective if an inventory is made of the local needs. We should share knowledge, skills and tools to enable third world people to improve their quality of life according to their needs.

Core guideline of all our activities “ ….

We DON’T do what we THINK is required, we act according to THEIR expressed needs. We discuss possible solutions and select achievable goals .”

Short Bio:

In 1970 my career started at the Philips Research Laboratories in Eindhoven. I studies Acoustics, Electronics and Chip design and in 1982 I moved to Breda to develop digital audio applications for Philips Prof. Audio (ELA).

My next step was Training and Course development for Philips Healthcare. That enabled me to travel around the globe for local training sessions . Between 1997 and 2009 I developed e-learning as a Media Specialist, Instructional Designer and Infrastructure Architect at the Philips Healthcare Academy in the Training Creation and Innovation department.

Since September 2009 when I left Philips, I’ve been involved in 3rd world development. In 2010 a friend of mine, Truus Theelen, visited Malawi to witness local Primary Schools. Her enthusiasm infected me and we joined forces to support local learning facilities at the Primary Schools in the Embangweni area.( Mid-west rural Malawi)

P7. Agents of Change: Case-based learning

Host: Maurits Habraken (ASML)

In this session I will share my experience and like to discuss with you my ideas how Case Based Learning is embedded within the technical training department at ASML. In my training approach, I think and work from my personal believe that an adult person grows most efficient in his or her personal development by learning from realistic events that elaborate on existing skills and knowledge. The Case Based Learning method allows me to connect with people and to create an open and challenging learning experience, aimed at personal development.

Short Bio:

Maurits Habraken has been employed at ASML for almost 17 years, in various functions as trainer, course developer, engineer and project leader. Over the last 5 years I have been fully dedicated to the Customer Support training organization as project leader and trainer.

P8. Agents of Change: Weblectures

Host: Piet Forschelen (ASML)

Piet recognized some time ago the need for change of the traditional instructor led training that was developed and delivered within ASML that would also align itself with the needs of the customer support field service engineer. As a member of a small concept team, developed the Web Lecture methodology within ASML’s training and development department. He proceeded to develop the very first web lecture as a worked example.The worked example was received enthusiastically by both field service engineering and by senior management whose immediate reaction was to request more of this ‘new way’ of knowledge transfer. The result of this was to spur the development of all first Line service engineer theory training in this manner.

There are a number of advantages of this methodology. These include:

  1. Speedy and efficient knowledge transfer to the field.
  2. Minimizing travel costs
  3. Offers the student a flexible approach for learning since individual lessons are short (maximum time per lesson is approximately 25 minutes)
  4. Has the opportunity to repeat lessons
  5. Lessons are attractive for the student due to the variation within the web lecture itself. The result is the students attention span is much longer since we include, machine video footage, trainer being visible rather than simply ‘voice over’, white board sessions and relevant practice questions

In this session, Piet will share his experience experience and discuss how to create/produce a Web Lecture yourself. Also how the Web Lectures are embedded within the technical training department at ASML.

Short Bio:

Piet Forschelen has over 30 years work experience split between 25 years in a teaching environment, 5 years of field service experience and now17 years with ASML as Course Developer and Technical Trainer.

P9. A roadmap to meaningful learning within Vanderlande Industries

Host: Lyset den Blijker (Vanderlande Industries)

Five years ago the Vanderlande Academy was founded at Vanderlande Industries. Why? And, what happened in the past 5 years? Which activities were deployed? What are the challenges for the (near) future?
In this session the roadmap to meaningful learning within Vanderlande Industries will be shown.

Short Bio:

Lyset is working as a Learning Consultant at Vanderlande Industries. With over 15 years of experience in Education, Communication and IT Lyset is able to make connections, create opportunities and help people and organisations to grow.

P10. Philips - Agile Learning Development via SCRUM

Host: Judith de Goede (Philips IT)

In this session we will look at the Agile/SCRUM development process.

Key words for Agile/SCRUM are: open communication, teamwork & short feedback loops.

Can we use this new way of development also for development of learning materials?

Short Bio:

Judith de Goede (BSc Mechanical Engineering& BSc Organizational Psychology) works at Philips IT as Learning Consultant. Currently she works in the Global Training Team to implement new ways of working with new software applications within Philips.

Special interests areas:

  • Change Management & Leadership
  • Human Performance Technology / Improvement (HPT / HPI)

P11. Philips - Blue Ocean IT Lab - Performance Support

Host: Mark Geurds, Chris Wanrooij , Gert-Jan Hufken, Makbule Izmit (Philips)

Blue Ocean IT-Lab is an innovation initiative from Philips Corporate IT. Obective is to find solution directions via crowd sourcing for business challenges that have not yet an obvious IT solution.

During this session as well the Blue Ocean IT lab process will be discussed, as also the experience of the team that currently does the proof-of-concept for performance support.

Short Bio:

Chris Wanrooij, Instructional Designer at Philips Healthcare - Information Supply Chain. Chris graduated on performance support on TU Twente. With experience in care instittutions he joined Philips Healthcare in 2010.

Mark Geurds , Mark Geurds graduated at Fontys on Software Engineering. He works as a learning specialist in the Philips IT Competence Group Learning. Mark has years of experience in software design and development, combined with the didactical skills a learning specialist and experience in different learning innovation projects.

Gert-Jan Hüfken is working for Philips since 1997 in different learning functions. He currently works in the IT Competence Group Learning as Learning Consultant.

Makbule Izmit studies at Fontys on Software Engineering. She does a third year internship since September at Philips Lighting University on performance support and is member of the BOIL team.

P12. TU/e Adaptive Learning Systems

Host: Natalia Stash (TU/e)

In this session we invite you to look at the examples of adaptive Web-based educational applications that were designed using the software produced within the EU funded GRAPPLE (Generic Responsive Adaptive Personalized Learning Environment) project. With GRAPPLE it is possible to use pre-defined adaptation like changing the recommendations based on whether prerequisites are fulfilled, and selection of fragments (e.g. definitions, examples, explanations) based on what we know about the learner. It is also possible to define your own adaptation rules to use the same technology for adaptation in very different applications or for adaptation to more aspects of a user such as his/her cognitive/learning styles.

We have used our adaptive technology to write the world's first adaptive research paper, to give an adaptive conference talk and even to write the first adaptive PhD thesis. We will provide a rough estimation of how much effort it takes to create your own adaptive application with our tools.

We will also give a preview of the prototype of a museum guide that provides personalized access to the art collection of the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam and that was developed within the NWO sponsored CHIP project (Cultural Heritage Information Personalization).

Like GRAPPLE software the CHIP tool is also application-independent and can for instance be used to make an adaptive city guide instead of a museum application

Short Bio:

Dr.ir. Natalia Stash is a lecturer, researcher and scientific programmer and also study advisor for the bachelor in Web Science at the Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) in the Netherlands. In 2007 she obtained her PhD from the TU/e on the topic of learning styles adaptation in the AHA! system (Adaptive Hypermedia Architecture, which she also partly designed and developed). She designed personalization for access to the Rijksmuseum collection in the CHIP project (Cultural Heritage Information Personalization). She also contributed to the research done in the GRAPPLE project which stands for Generic Responsive Adaptive Personalized Learning Environment. Her research interests include (authoring of) adaptive Web-based systems, e-culture applications, cognitive/learning styles, (semantic) Web technologies, Web science.

P13. Knowledge Management & Training

Host: Eelke Dijkstra (ASML)

Or: How to give training meaning outside the classroom & on the workfloor

Short Bio:

During my time as 3rd line Technical Support I helped to introduce New Systems to the Field. I started thinking about how to share large volumes of knowledge in a structured way.

My next job was introducing machines as a Project Leader for Customer Support.My responsibility was Knowledge Management & Field introduction. That meant arranging Knowledge Transfers by Experts on-site based on Knowledge Gaps.

For the last 2 years I have been working as CS Knowledge Manager.My experience as an engineer and Project Leader enables me to look at Knowledge Management from both a demand- and supply point of view.


P14. Learning Media

Facilitator: Jack van Gerwen, Dennis Vialle & Ad Spaans (Philips IT)

At the Philips IT Competence Group Learning a wide variety of learning media assets are developed, from illustrations to animamtion and professional instructional videos. You will find examples of these media assets and their use in learning objects. You will get the opportunity to experience a live registration at the video equipment.

Short bio

Jack van Gerwen currently works at Philips IT Competence Group Learning. Responsible for delivery of video and multimedia end products for the Philips organization. Specializations are:

  • Multimedia: Expertise in lead, develop,produce video and multimedia material.
  • Learning: Delivery of workshops in video, multimedia creation and “Virtual Classroom Train The Trainer” sessions.

Dennis Vialle currently works at Philips IT Competence Group Learning. Responsible for delivery of animations, graphics and multimedia end products for the Philips organization. Specializations are:

  • Multimedia: Expertise in lead, develop, produce animations, graphics and multimedia assets.

Ad Spaan is an instrumentation technologist at Philips providing innovations services in the group Electronic and Photonic instrumentation. He is responsible for the Photonic Instrumentation cluster providing the following services:

  • Rental, consultancy and support
  • From image to answer
  • Highspeed and thermal imaging
  • Microscopy
  • Audio, video and multimedia support
Last Updated on Monday, 21 October 2013 07:51
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