DVG Event 2013 Keynote Speakers PDF Print Email
Written by John   
Wednesday, 25 September 2013 00:00

Prof. dr. P. Robert-Jan Simons

Prof. dr. P. Robert-Jan Simons graduated in Psychology at the University of Amsterdam in 1973 and worked as a researcher in the universities of Amsterdam, Nijmegen and Tilburg. His PHD on the role of concrete analogies in learning took place at Tilburg University (1981). Since 2001 he has a part time chair at Utrecht University focusing on learning with ICT. Since 2010 he is director of the Netherlands School of Educational Management (NSO).

Keynote Description
Learning is so much taken for granted, that we fail to realize that there are many different ways to conceptualize learning and that people differ in their approaches to learning. Yet, when we want people to learn effectively, it is important to have an explicit vision about what the utcomes of learning can be and how people differ in their ways of learning. What, then are these differences? Outcomes of learning refer to reproduction orientations on the one hand and meaning orientations on the other hand. The "language of learning” I developed with Manon Ruijters, distinguishes 7 ways of learning: perception, participation, knowledge acquisition, practicing, discovering, imagination and intuition. How are the what and how of learning related? What do these distinctions mean for e-learning? How do Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) and Flipping the classroom relate to all of this?


Nils Roemen

About Nils Roemen

Moving mountains is easier than you think.
We live in a world of plenty. However, too much of the wealth we create is unused or in the wrong place and this leaves us with a so-called “social surplus”. Nils Roemen is convinced that we can repurpose this surplus by linking ideas, items and people. The current network-and information society enables us to create those links faster than ever before. A good idea and the right link at the right time mobilizes this social surplus and allows us to create things that we didn't even think were possible. In the past years, Nils has created some powerful examples ranging from Durftevragen (a network of people helping each other to take projects to the next level) to a co-working space in Nijmegen.  More information on Nils: http://thenextspeaker.com/experts/nils-roemen


Last Updated on Tuesday, 01 October 2013 15:28
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